Desire transcends logic: Ex. SUNDOWN – Escape & Evasion - Survivor Brunei (Day 4)

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Ex. SUNDOWN – Escape & Evasion - Survivor Brunei (Day 4)

(This log remains unchanged to its original version and is pre-dated to the actual time it was written)

Date: 22.06.04
Time: 2248HRS

I have achieved for myself 3 food items for my reward: Rice, Tapioca, Sweet potatoes.. didn’t manage to cook the rice though.. it started to rain at 1400hrs.. to around 1600hrs.. did manage to get a fire going soon after that.. It took a while to cook the food items.. but the sweet potatoe was a delight.. The fire tonight was great.. huge.. started to tear down the shelter to use it as fuel for the flame.. but it rained.. to our horror.. at 0100hrs the next morning.. man it was miserable.. cold.. wet.. lonely.. it was an experience.. managed to catch some sleep despite the rain.. hid beneath my shelter and got into this "cold-resistant" position that I created on the spot.. was quite effective.. woke up at around 0300hrs because of a backache from that position.. It was difficult enduring the cold at such wee hours in the morning.. the rain continued and I woke the rest up at 0500hrs.. It was the end of the 1st phase of our exercise.. survival.. up next was the escape & evasion.. our hike across Brunei’s terrain was arduous.. notice I said hike.. we had to topo our way initially but it soon turned into one where we had to follow a trail left behind.. nevertheless.. the journey of almost 5km took 5hrs 17min 58sec.. we were the second group to return.. it was fun.. I must say.. not easy.. exceedingly strenuous.. but nevertheless.. satisfying.. almost a combination of "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race".. something that I wanted to do.. and I am glad I got to do it.. Matthew was commenting on my enthusiasm the night before the mission.. and I told him that this was the closest thing to BLT.. something that I did not participate because of 50k relay.. plus I thought it was a good.. dramatic.. ending to this 2 ½ years of our lives.. It’s been a blast.. despite all the nonsense that we went through.. but there were the good times also.. I’m glad.. I must say.. I enjoyed my NS life.. the people I’ve met and made close to my life.. I can still remember the first day of enlistment.. I wasn’t familiar with anyone.. haha.. it’s all good I guess.. as we approach the final few days of our service.. I can’t help but look back on our lives and feel a tinge of sadness and loss.. So much has happened in this little community of ours.. Separated from the outside world.. Something that we can truly call our own.. the memories and experiences that we went through are merely instances of events to some.. but they will be embedded deep inside me.. down in my heart.. as a part of my life that I’ve shared with this special group of Guyz.