Desire transcends logic: Ex. SUNDOWN - Survivor Brunei (Day T - 1)

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Ex. SUNDOWN - Survivor Brunei (Day T - 1)

(This log remains unchanged to its original version and is pre-dated to the actual time it was written)

Date: 18-06-04
Time: 0015

The day was hectic.. we started off not meeting a lot of datelines today.. but I was alright.. did my first topo.. it was fun.. we got lost.. but nevertheless managed to find a checkpoint.. wasn't ours though.. wonder if I'll survive this course.. it should be alright I think.. It's going to be quite an ordeal.. Surviving in the wild that is.. God knows how that will turn out.. there's also the E and E after that.. which will be hard.. it's day 2.. moving along to the third.. more survival techniques tomorrow.. or later for the matter.. if I ever wonder why I am writing this.. I want to remember this.. the last few moments with the people who are so dear to me.. the final mission as they say.. before we make our way to our separate ways.. it will be missed.. these days.. regardless of how hard.. how strenuous.. I will miss this bunch of people.. as we move on with our lives.. I hope this log will remind me of the episode of my very own F.R.I.E.N.D.S..