Desire transcends logic: February 2005

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Frogman on Water

I've seen the mess we have beneath our waters; though I don't like being in it, I still love it - The irony. Went wake boarding today and it was great! I think we'll make it a monthly affair. It's a little costly but it shouldn't be that bad once a month. Our next proposed visit would be on Good Friday - 25th March 2005.

I was a little shaky but managed to stand on the board within my first few tries. Got a little tan, which is good - I've wanted to get a tan for a long time already. Too bad I didn't bring my camera, would have wanted to get some pictures and videos for memories. Must remember to bring the camera next time.

I've submitted my application for a course in Professional Communication at RMIT, Melbourne Australia. It'll take about 2 to 3 weeks to get a reply for me application. If I get in, I'll get to choose if I want to go ahead with it or not. I wonder if they have wake boarding in Melbourne. *grins*

Monday, February 21, 2005

What's up people?

No One!

It's a phenomenon - Singaporeans like to queue. Everybody remembers the Hello Kitty fiasco and what about Toto every time we have the Hong Bao draw. I think it's in our blood - Every time there's a queue, we have a compelling urge to join it.

This picture was taken at Suntec City on Sunday. Alex wanted to draw some money from the ATM and look what we found. A whole bunch of people lining up on one side, leaving the other machine available for us. Thanks! It gave us more than enough time to have our dinner and catch our movie.

We watched the Robert De Niro movie Hide and Seek. It would have been a good movie if I had not figured out the plot halfway throughout it. Some scenes seemed so deliberately placed in, which made me ponder about them during the movie. And way before the climax of the movie, I had realised what was going on - And it didn't seem so scary after that. It would have been good.

A toast to Zhizhong - Have a safe trip.

The Toast

Here we have a picture of Zhizhong and me with a shot of Tequila. This picture was taken last year on his birthday. Boy did we get pissed drunk that night; both of us couldn't remember how that night ended. Just noticed that we are always captured with a drink in our hands. This other picture, of my previous post, was taken this year.

We would always wonder why girls never approach to get to know guys, and joked about hanging around waiting for girls to pick us up - Guess that would have to wait. A toast to you my brother, have a safe trip and return soon. Those drinking sessions won't be the same without you, and who's going to accompany me to wait for girls pick us up?!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Just another day of life.

It's Mahjong with my colleagues today. I was on my journey to Kenneth's place when I heard the song. It was my first time there and I was at awe when I saw his sister's collection of Coca-Cola - It makes my collection look pathetic. With bottles and cans nicely stacked up, with little trays to prevent any more cans from making a mess when they burst. Oh yah, a note to those who want to start collecting Coca-Cola cans, you'd better remove the contents. It's a known fact - They will burst. I should have taken my camera, I was contemplating whether I should and decided against it.

We played 2 rounds of Mahjong - I lost $11 in the first game but made it back in the second one (Sorry Liz). Got a call from Alex later that night, informing me that Da Guyz will be sending Zhizhong off at the airport. Made my way down to Swenson's at Crown Prince Hotel for supper with Alex and Khema, and stayed over. It's a morning flight, I won't make it had I went home.

Another miss

A reunion dinner with Da Guyz before Zhizhong leaves for Australia to study, and I couldn't make it because of work. This reminds me of the occasions where they would do something different where I couldn't participate because of other obligations to fulfill. Crap..

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Is this goodbye?

Naruto Group

Today marks a day of disappointment for fans of the Japanese animation series - Naruto. Some wisecrack foresaw the prospects of a lucrative opportunity and decided to license the animation.

Devoted fans faithfully wait till Thursdays, every week, for some kind soul to provide English subtitles to the raw animation. After which, upload it so that we, the linguistically impaired individuals to the Japanese language, can gratify our craving for some well-animated action. The plot, fight scenes, music and voice acting are simply fabulous. Each episode concludes with you hanging with the desire to catch the next installment.

With the animation being licensed, all of which is a thing of the past. The implications? We will no longer have access to the animation online. It's supposed to be a good thing - The licensing. There will be more products, which would be great for fans. I would read the comic, but my Chinese is horrendous. Argh.. What more is there to look forward to every Thursdays?

Friday, February 11, 2005

The year of the Rooster.

Those born in the year of the Rooster should get something with a Dragon to supress the clashing of the bickering fowl; Apparently Roosters are very quarrelsome birds, So it's not a good year for those Rooster people - One can only wonder how a Dragon would resolve this conflict? If you're wondering how I know this, my mother and cousin are Rooster babies. Never really understood the logic behind the superstition. Perhaps I should take an effort to know all that.

Somehow I have this feeling that our culture will end with my generation: I can barely speak my dialect, and I'm not sure what my relatives are called in it. Honestly, how many of us do? Large gatherings like New Year visits would have me calling everyone the universal "Uncle and Auntie". Should my grandmother still be around, she would probably say something, in Cantonese, like, "Even the vegetable seller at the wet market is an Auntie!"

I mean, no offence vegetable auntie. I love my greens. They give me my daily supply of fiber and keep me strong. I faithfully have my Veggie Stew every Lunar New Year, and abstain from meat every Fridays if I remember. Even my name sounds like the word in Mandarin/Cantonese. Which gets me thinking why do we eat that Veggie Stew every New Year? I should find out..

Friday, February 04, 2005

Just a thought

How cool would it be if we could just GPRS or SMS a parking coupon to our vehicles? We could save all the hassle of walking back to the car park to place another coupon. I was inspired by Kenneth Tan's whining.

I was out with my JC classmates for a little gathering with our Civics Tutor and her husband. Had hell of a time catching up - It's good to see everyone again. Thanks for the cake! It's been like.. 3 or 4 years since I've seen some of them? I'm usually the one that's not available. For that I must apologise. It's a pity I can't make it for the reunion dinner this Saturday; I have my own family reunion to attend to. Sorry guys.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Good Old 23

As the pendulum swings to the last few minutes on my 23rd year of existence, I feel a sense of gratefulness for this life. I have been blessed with many people around me that appreciate my presence. And to all the wonderful people around me that bother, in their own unique ways, to show their appreciation for my being around, I'm eternally grateful.