Desire transcends logic: In Camp Training

Sunday, May 08, 2005

In Camp Training

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- Or better known as Reserve Service. Ah.. Neh mind.. Dun understand rite? Reservist lah..! This would be my first ICT since I've ORDed last June - 11 months ago. I'll be away for a week - 8th to 14th May 2005. Hopefully I'll get to book out if there's no night training. I am to report back to camp by 0800hrs later today - Yah, Sunday! It better be important for burning my weekend. Kaoz..! By 8am later the transformation would be completed - I would have totally morphed back. The lingo, the habits, and the routines; I can almost feel all that exuding from within. The only thing different is my batch boys won't be around - Pity.