Desire transcends logic: *squeek*

Friday, March 04, 2005



I don't remember this fella's name - There are too many of them! This is just one of the many rodents that infest my humble abode.

They live a great life: mansion, big wheel, endless supply of fodder. Once done they're with all that, they procreate and bring bundles of joy. As if 4 was not joyous enough, they like to make it a monthly affair. Within a span of 2 months, we've had 2 batches of offspring from the productive parents. That's 11 in total but 2 from the earlier batch had already given away to my cousin - 9 left.

I may have grown a little attached to them. Seeing Alvin take 2 away the other day, it felt as though we were seperating the kids from their parents. Hmm.. so that's what giving your kids away would feel like. Creepy..