Desire transcends logic: Brown Town

Friday, September 24, 2004

Brown Town

I love Fridays - Almost the end of work week (I have to work on Saturdays), which also means that I get to relax over the weekend. My routine is as such: I'll wake up, get prepared, have my breakfast, and leave the house by 7.20am, just in time to catch bus service 190 at 7.30am. The journey is 45 minutes and stops at C.H.I.J.M.E.S. - Which means I have to walk all the way to Millenia Tower in 15 minutes. Usually achievable if commuters would "Keep left (on the escalator) because it's the right thing to do". Would grab a copy of Streats at the top level of City Hall MRT, followed by a copy of Today at the bottom, before heading to my work place.

Why the heck do I need 2 copies of newspapers when they report the same thing?
I have adopted the Singaporean mentality, and I'm not exactly proud of it - "Free mah, take loh!" What I'm looking out for are the comments of Mr Philip Lee of Streats, and the humour page of Mr Brown of Today. My preference would be Mr Brown - His observation on our society is so critical and hilarious, that it gives us insight of the dysfunctional side of Singaporeans. I'm in the service industry and the comments of his last entry is commendable. Treat the person that serves you right (especially those that bring you food), and you might get more than you actually bargained for.

I'm not endorsing his works, just that there's so much to look forward to on Fridays - I love Fridays...